In the spirit of previous conversational reviews (see our reviews of Stephen Graham Jones’ The Only Good Indians and Diane Cook’s The New Wilderness), Kristen Shaw and Selena Middleton sat down to chat about Premee Mohamed’s latest novella, a work of climate fiction set in Alberta.
We adored the book (and are hoping for a sequel someday) and we chat at length about the important elements this book is bringing to the climate fiction subgenre. So often climate fiction relies on big gestures and catastrophic collapses. This book is quiet and lovely and terrifying and hopeful. Read everything we have to say about it over at the Ancillary Review of Books, who were kind enough to publish our review.
Read “The Tangible and Ephemeral Intimacies of Climate Fiction: Review of The Annual Migration of Clouds by Premee Mohamed” at the Ancillary Review of Books now.